
Welcome to Revolution Media

Revolution Media Services is a new multimedia studio based in Carbondale, Illinois, designed to provide local businesses and organizations with professional imagery to market their product, service, or events in the ever-changing, web-driven world.

With the once-dominant outlets of newspapers, television stations and radio stations rapidly losing their grip on the population, advertising costs are increasing while total audience exposure is decreasing.

Therefore, businesses, small and large, are left with fewer and fewer options to reach the market and, with the economy in its current state, can't afford to waste money and resources on ineffective means.

The new generation of customer is craving a top-notch web and video presence. Without it, local business is being left in the dark.

Revolution Media produces cutting-edge, low-cost multimedia for the local business that wants to stand out in the new generation. We provide first-rate video productions, high-res photo packages, and studio-quality audio, all to be used in any way the business sees fit.

No hassles. No obligations.

The market is not simply going through an evolution, but a revolution. Are you ready to join the revolution?

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